Intelligent Safe Space

Are you ready to make a difference in your community? Join us at Intelligent Healing Spaces, where we provide evidence-based training and support to empower individuals and organizations in effectively responding to mental health and substance abuse crises.

What We Do


Mental Health First Aid (MHFA), is a specific program designed to educate people about mental health issues and give them the skills to respond to mental health emergencies. Just like traditional first aid, MHFA is intended to provide immediate help until professional medical treatment can be obtained.

Is your organization creating a strategic mental health plan? MHFA could be one of many strategies employed to achieve the plan’s goals. For example, if one of the goals is to improve early intervention for mental health issues, a strategy might be to provide MHFA training for your church leadership. This is just one of the many ways strategic mental health planning and MHFA can work together to improve mental health outcomes.

Strategic mental health training typically includes a range of activities, such as:

  • Education and awareness-raising about mental health issues and the impact of stigma and discrimination on mental health.
  • Training on evidence-based approaches to promoting mental health and preventing mental illness, such as stress management techniques, coping strategies, and healthy lifestyle habits.
  • Resources and tools to help individuals and organizations assess their mental health needs, identify gaps, and develop effective mental health strategies.
  • Leadership and management training to enable leaders to create a mentally healthy workplace culture and support employees with mental health challenges.
  • Skill-building exercises to improve communication, empathy, and active listening.
  • Collaboration and networking opportunities to build partnerships and share best practices.

All participants receive a national mental health and substance abuse first aid three-year certification after successful completion of the class.

Ready to take the first step towards creating intelligent healing spaces in your community? Sign up for our training program today and become a catalyst for positive change.