Learn how to transform your life with Vision Coaching

Join our 12wk program to gain clarity on your life’s purpose, set meaningful goals, and learn sustainable practices for healing and personal growth.

Invest in yourself and commit to a plan that is solely dedicated to your personal development

Develop boundaries, build your confidence, and maximize your power

Increase your ability to take decisive and deliberate actions to become the person of your dreams

Do you need clarity about who you want to be and what you want to be known for?

I have been there!

I didn’t have the language to respond decisively when faced with hard situations. I didn’t know how to develop authentic support teams, create boundaries, nor ask for help. I wasn’t confident. My self-worth and value were low. I let what others thought of me affect me negatively and ultimately FREEZE me!

Does this sound familiar?

  • I abandon myself to feel valued.
  • I let people stay in my personal space that don’t value me.
  • I stay longer than necessary in low level, unhealthy situations.
  • I accept consistent excuses and inconsistent behavior.
  • I settle for connections that don’t support me speaking my own thoughts.
Don’t worry, I’ve been there, and I can help!

You’re experiencing this because…


You don’t trust your instincts, you’re second-guessing, overthinking, and letting others make decisions for you, assuming they know more than you about you.


You don’t speak up for yourself by asking for what you need, you settle, and lack boundaries so your taken advantage of.


You’re more focused on pleasing others and don’t act according to your values and beliefs. Plus, your not clear on what they are.


You unconsciously put your needs, desires, and personal respect to the side to stay in relationships that don’t increase your happiness.

Imagine how it would feel if…

You finally have a clear understanding of who you are, where you’re going, and how you’re getting there. To have unshakable confidence that you always admired in other women. To undoubtedly have trust, reliance, and respect for your own voice.

  • Alignment with your whole self that increases energy and clarity.
  • The elimination of false starts and roads that lead nowhere.
  • Go from being self-critical to being self-analytical.
  • Increased ability to take decisive and deliberate actions faster, easier, and permanent.
  • Release overwhelm and perfectionism as you move into the future with confidence.
  • Develop the courage to ask for support, articulate your needs, and feel good about being supported.

Let me introduce…


This 12-week program is for women who are ready to disconnect distractions & dismantle barriers that fuels courage, powers clarity, and builds vision.

My result-proven process keeps you accountable for achieving goals, developing strategic thinking, emotional, and personal awareness all in a welcoming, confidential, and non-shaming environment. I specialize in securing unsecured visions, defining undefined identities, and powering up powerless voices of women that are frozen from progress.

MEET YOUR Vision Coach

Hi, friend! I’m Dom.

I have learned on this path of healing, reconciling, undoing, and unlearning that this is really a self-love journey. On my journey, I started really hearing and listening without blame while showing compassion towards myself. I started taking radical responsibility and ownership of my life and recognized that my moments didn’t define me. I’m forever committed to my evolution.

That’s all that matters.

I used to define my story negatively and at my level of comprehension, capacity, and grace at that time. I matured, increased my capacity, stretched my grace, and expanded my comprehension to redefine my story like this…

EVERYTHING that has happened FOR me in my life has leveled me up!

While on this journey, my goal is never to present a perfect image but to show an image of self-acceptance, love, and grace as a relentless evolver! Now it’s your turn. I’m so excited that you have invested in your evolution!

Taking radical responsibility for your life is a form of self care!

I have committed to my evolution and created a strategy to secure my healing. I have worked hard to uncover, unlearn, and un-identify with the systems, cycles, and situations that left me frozen!

And now I’m sharing it with you.

Course Modules


It All Starts With A Vision

You don’t DISCOVER who you are. You DEFINE who you are. Here we intentionally decide and define what kind of future you’re striving for and who you want to be moving forward – so we’re 100% clear on your purpose fueling you for the journey.


Navigational Language

You know where you want to go, now let’s discover how to get there intelligently. Let’s counteract negative suggestive language and reinforce a positive communication style that constructs the life you want and supports the person you’re becoming.


Design Your Healing

Designing a plan for your healing journey that supports the re-construction of self. Just because you’re wounded, does not mean you are not in control. Your participation is required.


to align your vision, mission, and values around a predetermined future.

  • Self mastery to effectively manage your emotions in order to prevent stress, obtain mental clarity, identify, and remove negative belief patterns.
  • Tools you can use RIGHT NOW to improve your life and everyday interactions in your relationships.
  • How to create safe healing spaces and select the right team.
  • How to disconnect from distractions and dismantle barriers to your success.

I’m ready to join!

There’s Bonuses!

Live Q&A Sessions


Private Facebook Group

Secure your team! Connect with others who are on your same journey. 

1:1 Virtual Support

Home of the quick win!

The results are in…

Thank you for helping to develop and use my voice to protect my healing of self and learn how to navigate the areas I had low confidence in. – Monica

How to Apply


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